Lewis, Victor

Paediatric Oncology

Associate Professor


Dr. Lewis finished his medical training in Pakistan.  After working as an internist for several years and spending time as a fellow in medical specialties at the MDACC in Houston, he re-trained in Pediatrics and then Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Transplantation at the University of Minnesota, USA.  He joined the University of Calgary and the Alberta Children’s Hospital in 2002.  His interests have included pediatric leukemia and lymphoma and a special focus on transplantation for malignant and non-malignant diseases.  His area of specialty include cord blood transplantation, transplantation of immune deficiencies and metabolic disorders.  Within these and other disorders he focuses on issues such as graft versus host disease and methods of prevention of this complication and supportive care trials in oncology and transplantation.  He also co-leads the Phase I/II program at the Children’s Hospital.  He is presently the director of the Oncology and Blood and Marrow Transplant sections at the Alberta Children’s Hospital.

Area of Focus

  • Blood and marrow Transplantation
  • GVHD/Engraftment 
  • Leukemia and Lymphoma

Summary of Research

As a clinical trialist, Dr. Lewis interest lies primarily in studying graft versus host disease at a clinical and basic science level.  For the latter he collaborates heavily with scientists at the University of Calgary.  As a transplanter, he lead the immune deficiency transplant program and is keenly interested in the understanding and implementation of new transplant technology and establishing outcomes from such techniques.  In addition, he is very interested in ensuring safe delivery of old and new chemotherapy agents to patients. As such Dr. Lewis is also interested in studying the pharmacokinetics of drugs, specifically within transplant recipients.  Dr. Lewis leads the supportive care studies within oncology and transplant patients at the Children’s hospital and co-lead the developmental therapeutics program at the institution.  

Area Of Focus

  • Blood and marrow Transplantation
  • GVHD/Engraftment 
  • Leukemia and Lymphoma

Summary Of Research

As a clinical trialist, Dr. Lewis interest lies primarily in studying graft versus host disease at a clinical and basic science level.  For the latter he collaborates heavily with scientists at the University of Calgary.  As a transplanter, he lead the immune deficiency transplant program and is keenly interested in the understanding and implementation of new transplant technology and establishing outcomes from such techniques.  In addition, he is very interested in ensuring safe delivery of old and new chemotherapy agents to patients. As such Dr. Lewis is also interested in studying the pharmacokinetics of drugs, specifically within transplant recipients.  Dr. Lewis leads the supportive care studies within oncology and transplant patients at the Children’s hospital and co-lead the developmental therapeutics program at the institution.